
New government measures to combat drug shortages

New government measures to combat drug shortages

The French government has unveiled its 2024-2027 roadmap for securing the country's drug supply and strengthening its industrial sovereignty. Faced with supply tensions and recurring shortages, this strategic plan proposes concrete, coordinated actions. Faks presents the key points concerning the measures planned by the French government to combat drug shortages.

Main objectives

  1. Guaranteeing the availability of medicines :
    • Prioritization of essential drugs for enhanced monitoring and management.
    • Early detection of supply tensions and graduated action plan in the face of shortages.
  2. Strengthening industrial sovereignty :
    • Relocation of strategic drugs production to France.
    • Collaboration at European level to secure supply.

Key actions

  1. Monitoring and managing shortages :
    • Diversified information system for signal escalation: The document mentions the need to improve shortage signal escalation through a diversified information system for early detection of problems.
    • Reinforced monitoring of essential medicines by ANSM: ANSM is stepping up its monitoring of essential medicines to ensure their continuous availability and to react rapidly in the event of shortages.
    • White plan for a graduated response to shortage situations: In the event of a shortage, a "white plan" makes it possible to implement a graduated response adapted to the seriousness of the situation, mobilizing the resources needed to manage the crisis effectively.
  2. Public health initiatives :
    • Transparency and optimization of the list of medicines of major therapeutic interest (MITMs ): The list of MITMs will be made transparent and accessible, with the possibility for ANSM to add medicines that justify this classification.
    • Reinforcing measures for the proper use of medicines, especially antibiotics: The document calls for actions to promote the proper use of medicines, especially antibiotics, through awareness-raising campaigns and support tools for healthcare professionals.
    • Setting up studies to assess lost opportunities in the event of shortages: Studies will be carried out to assess lost opportunities linked to drug shortages, continuing initiatives such as the CIRUPT study.
  3. Economic actions :
    • Relocating the production of 25 strategic medicines: The document provides for the relocation of the production of 25 strategic medicines in order to secure their supply and reduce dependence on imports.
    • Secure purchasing and logistics procedures for healthcare establishments: Secure purchasing procedures and logistics chains are crucial to ensuring that healthcare establishments always have the medicines they need.
    • Keeping mature drugs on the market: Efforts will be made to keep mature drugs on the market, thus avoiding shortages of well-established and often essential drugs.
  4. Transparency and information :
    • Integration of drug availability information into prescribing software: Drug availability information will be integrated into prescribing software to keep healthcare professionals informed in real time.
    • Reinforced information obligations throughout the drug chain: Each link in the drug chain will have reinforced information obligations to ensure greater transparency and responsiveness.
    • Direct patient information via standardized messages at the point of dispensing: Patients will be directly informed of drug availability via standardized messages at the point of dispensing, improving their access to information.

The 2024-2027 roadmap represents a strong commitment by the government to guarantee fair and secure access to medicines. Through concerted action with the various players in the medicines chain, France aims to strengthen its health sovereignty and respond effectively to the challenges of shortages.

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