
Impact of the Olympic Games on pharmacists

Impact of the Olympic Games on pharmacists

The Olympic Games Paris 2024 will take place from 24 July to 11 August, followed by the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September. These events will have a major impact on Paris and its region, with specific periods of disruption detailed by the ministry here.

This article presents the consequences of the Olympic Games on pharmacies in Paris and Île-de-France, highlighting the main challenges to anticipate and tips for dealing with them effectively.

Increase in Demand

With the expected influx of 2.3 to 3.1 million unique ticketed visitors (Paris 2024 Olympics), the demand for pharmaceuticals and healthcare services will increase. Pharmacies will therefore have to anticipate this increase and ensure that they have sufficient stocks, especially for essential medicines, personal care products, and medical equipment.

Health issues

The Olympics will require an increased mobilization of health structures and professionals (Santé Académie). Pharmacies will have to be ready to manage an increase in consultations for common pathologies, but also for minor emergencies. It is also crucial to strengthen the prevention of infections and food poisoning, including by raising awareness among customers about these risks.

Logistics and Access

During the Olympic Games, motorised traffic in Île-de-France will be severely restricted, particularly around the competition venues. Here are the details of the measures put in place and the advice to deal with them:

  • Authorized travel

Walking, cycling, or public transport will not be affected by the restrictions, except in special control zones. This helps maintain a certain fluidity for residents and non-motorized visitors.

  • Security Perimeters
  1. Blue Perimeter : In this zone, drivers will have to present proof of the reason for their trip to the police.
  2. Red Perimeter : This zone is stricter, requiring special authorization obtained beforehand from the Prefecture of Police.
  • Specific Areas for Outdoor Events

For outdoor events, such as road cycling, triathlon and marathon, specific red security perimeters will be set up. These areas will have specific activation times and will be subject to set-up and tear-down phases adapted to the needs of the events.

  • Travel Planning and Deliveries
  1. Use of the Interactive Map : An interactive map is available on Anticipating the Games that allows you to visualize the impacts on roads and public transport. Pharmacists can use this tool to plan their journeys and medication deliveries based on the levels of disruption expected at specific times (Anticipating the Games).
  2. Authorized Slots for Deliveries : Deliveries necessary for the resupply of medical and commercial facilities will be allowed with certain slot restrictions and will require a "Game Pass". It is crucial to coordinate with suppliers to ensure deliveries outside of periods of high disruption (Paris.fr and https://www.prefecturedepolice.interieur.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/Documents/VD_ Table derogations access to sites during the day - outside the CER.pdf).
  3. Early Storage : To reduce reliance on frequent deliveries, pharmacies should increase their inventory of medicines and other essentials ahead of periods of expected disruption.
  • Communication Strategies
  1. Inform Customers : Pharmacies should inform their customers of possible disruptions and encourage them to anticipate their medication needs. This can include putting up posters in pharmacies and sending communications by SMS or email.
  2. Coordination with the Authorities : Staying in touch with the local authorities to get the most up-to-date information on traffic restrictions and permitted delivery times will be crucial for a quick and efficient adaptation.
  • Alternative Transport Solutions
  1. Use of Reserved Lanes : During the Games, some lanes will be reserved for accredited individuals, including emergency and medical delivery vehicles. Pharmacists must ensure that their delivery vehicles have the necessary accreditations to use these lanes (France 3 Régions).
  2. Collaborative Transportation : Collaborating with other pharmacies and healthcare departments to share transportation resources can be an effective solution to ensure continuity of delivery services.

By implementing these strategies, pharmacies will be able to better manage logistical challenges and continue to provide essential services during the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

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